The unique mission of “The What’s Next Sorority” (TWNS) was born from many years of my working with pregnant teens.  As a certified pediatric and adolescent nurse practitioner diagnosing teen pregnancy or as a clinical nurse specialist assisting pregnant teens in their own homes or in shelters, I became acutely aware that once pregnant, the adolescent pregnant girl feels uncared for.  I’ve heard girl after girl say “everybody cares about the baby and not me!”  A teen-age pregnancy has the effect of interrupting and even arresting the normal pattern of adolescent growth and development –negatively impacting the teen’s present fulfillment often leaving her with subsequent unhealthy life-time consequences.

The focus of TWNS is the adolescent girl who is pregnant.  Organized as a Sorority, What’s Next is uniquely designed to promote normal adolescent physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual development during the time of the teen’s pregnancy.  The What’s Next Sorority intends to offer eligible adolescent girls the opportunity to feel understood and accepted; to bond together with others going through similar experience.  Professionally guided, adolescents can learn from one another while having fun.

The major goals of
The What's Next Sorority include:

  • To promote the health/happiness of the pregnant adolescent girl
  • To increase self-knowledge and strengthen self-esteem
  • To promote the uninterrupted development of the pregnant adolescent girl  
  • To explore behavior motivation; encourage responsibility and accountability
  • To encourage independent thinking
  • To facilitate and guide the teen in developing healthy decision-making/conflict resolution skills
  • To learn how to access helpful and needed information

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free informational brochure

Please send an emsail or call us to request
The What's Next Sorority brochure that is specifically designed for parents and professionals to give further detail of the overall program including the methods and learning opportunities available through
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